Exclusive offers from MemberDeals!
CSEA’s endorsed benefit with Member Deals provides savings on travel and entertainment. Did you know that preferred tickets are available? Some of which include the US Open, major movie theaters as well as the NY Yankees games. Click now and save!
US Open Tennis Championships:
Tennis fans love the excitement and intensity of matches during the US Open. As the pressure builds and the stakes get higher, see who pushes through to come out on top with US Open Tennis tickets. https://memberdeals.com/cseany/preferred_access.php?sub=performer&id=3164&login=1
Movie Tickets:
Save up to 40% on the hottest movie tickets! https://memberdeals.com/cseany/pages.php?sub=movie&login=1
New York Yankees
Cheer on the Yankees before the season ends https://memberdeals.com/cseany/preferred_access.php?sub=performer&id=3039&login=1
Visit: https://memberdeals.com/cseany for a complete list of preferred tickets.
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